My husband says yay, I say nay. What are your thoughts?

  • qyron
    511 months ago

    Some will because of street legends around breast milk being more protein rich and easy to assimilate than other proteins. Essentially false but keeping with the vein: the more brawn, the less brain.

    • Dharma Curious
      111 months ago

      That is… Disturbing. It’s so easy to access information, why would you drink someone’s breast milk without doing the research first? >.<

      • qyron
        111 months ago

        Brawn, not brains.

        It’s a strange concept to approach but there are worst things in the world.

        Unless the drinker is allergic to milk, it’s safe. For a lactating woman it is also safe.

        I can’t see any harm coming to the world by this practice.