• The Pantser
    2411 months ago

    Don’t need to prove you deserve marriage, that’s the one we should forcing. Like let’s make the application process as much work as buying a house. With inspectors checking everything is to code with no hidden surprises.

    • @Fishshake
      11 months ago

      deleted by creator

      • @S_204
        2211 months ago

        The pre marriage session we had at Church led to the priest sexually assaulting my partner with very inappropriate touching. I understand that’s typical of being a member of the Church, how does that keep marriage together exactly?

        • @Fishshake
          11 months ago

          deleted by creator

          • Cows Look Like Maps
            1211 months ago

            What drugs are you smoking that cause you to disassociate from reality so much and where can I get some?

          • @S_204
            111 months ago

            Outliers? It’s standard practice based on what the choir boys I grew up with told me after I asked them.

      • Chetzemoka
        1611 months ago

        Oh hey, what a great idea you guys! Because no abuser in the world ever knew how to lie at the start of a relationship to get their partner trapped before starting to abuse them. That’s not like, an absurdly common abuse tactic or anything.

        As a person who escaped a relationship where I feared for my life, fuck you very much, you ignorant fuck. You don’t get to make rules that will endanger my existence.

        • Cows Look Like Maps
          1311 months ago

          IMHO this is the primary reason why the government should not be a gatekeeper for divorce. I’m so sorry to hear what you went through and I hope people pushing for government control of our relationships can develop a shred of empathy.

      • @[email protected]
        111 months ago

        Fwiw my parents led the marriage prep course at our church for 15+ years. They wrote books and websites and gave talks at conferences about Christian and Catholic marriage. They met Cardinals and advised bishops. They participated in conferences with Protestant and evangelical churches.

        They were married for 48 years. And they’re divorced now. My mother in particular, but my father is seeing it a bit now, realized that their model of love and marriage were predicated on co-abusive behaviors.

        It took seeing what these teachings and ways of life did to their kids and their grandchildren’s homes before they gained enough perspective to see it for what it was. I hope you can see it sooner.