It’s a meme

  • @[email protected]
    11 months ago

    Literally sharing nazi propaganda from Hearst press lol

    Anyway, capitalism is known for never having famines or economic crises, especially not cyclical ones

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      but capitalism still has issues mabye ecofashisim is the way for as minimized issues as possible?

    • Crass Spektakel
      -311 months ago

      Well, actually I am sharing “Wikipedia Propaganda” but if you want to call Wikipedia Nazi-Propaganda…

      And yes, the only pro-Western nation ever falling into a serious Food-Crisis was… Haiti.

      See, I know we are doing something right. I am not sure what we do right and there is enough things we don’t do right but… the right things we do amazingly right. If that is because the Ghosts of Hitler are possessing us all or that we are just not a bunch of utter idiots - you call.

      • @[email protected]
        11 months ago

        And yes, the only pro-Western nation ever falling into a serious Food-Crisis was… Haiti.

        Read Late Victorian Holocausts if you want to be less wrong.

        Well, actually I am sharing “Wikipedia Propaganda” but if you want to call Wikipedia Nazi-Propaganda…

        The holodomor was originally fabricated by a hearst press associate at a time when Mr Hearst and the third Reich were openly collaborating on spreading nazi propaganda in the US. The famine was bad but the myth that it was a genocide needs to die as it is literally nazi propaganda and was used as a justification for collaborating with the holocaust in Eastern Europe

        This is in fact the mainstream academic position. You may look to Conquest, Davies, and Wheatcroft, who are genuinely anticommunist historians, for their analysis (they all say it wasn’t a genocide)

        • Crass Spektakel
          111 months ago

          In what way is the Late Victorian Age “Pro-Western”? In the same way Dschengis Khan was “Pro-Western”? Besides, ONE book is quite vague for such an assumption as your claim isn’t even listed in the list of great famines.

          Oh, and you claim the Holodomor didn’t happen? Well, let me guess, Stalin also didn’t got 30 million sowiet people killed?

          Tovarishch, your lies gave away whose bread you eat.

          • @[email protected]
            11 months ago

            Late Victorian Age

            It is literally a book about western liberal democracies committing genocide, including through intentionally creating famines.

            Oh, and you claim the Holodomor didn’t happen? Well, let me guess, Stalin also didn’t got 30 million sowiet people killed?

            Listen if you want to believe nazi propaganda that was used to justify collaborating with the holocaust you can be my guest. You just won’t be in line with the mainstream academic concensus on the subject.

            • Crass Spektakel
              -111 months ago

              Suuure… Stalin was an agent of the West, send to kill Russians. Just like Dschingis Khan and Mohammed. All Agents of the West.

              Thank you for making me aware of everything.

              • @[email protected]
                -411 months ago

                I will repeat:

                Listen if you want to believe nazi propaganda that was used to justify collaborating with the holocaust you can be my guest. You just won’t be in line with the mainstream academic concensus on the subject.

                • Crass Spektakel
                  11 months ago

                  Ah, the beauty of repeating the same stupid claim to make it appear more true.

                  While I appreciate your enthusiasm for alternative viewpoints, it’s worth noting that mainstream academic consensus is typically based on extensive research, rigorous analysis, and a wealth of evidence. If you’re inclined to embrace Nazi propaganda as a historical truth, you might find yourself in the rather exclusive company of conspiracy theorists. But hey, who needs consensus when you can have a party of one?

                  Well, I must say, your unique perspective certainly adds a touch of humor to the conversation! Your ability to find amusement in the unlikeliest of places is truly admirable. Keep those witty remarks coming, and you might just give the comedians a run for their money!

                  • @[email protected]
                    -111 months ago

                    Have you read literally any academic literature on ukrainian collaboration with the holocaust, or any academic literature on the holodomor after the soviet archives opened?

                    Have you read any history on the way Hearst Collaborated with the nazis?

                    Have you read anything about the first time the holodomor story aired, and how it was debunked?


                    Then you’re just following corporate media opinion because you trust corporate media more than actual historians(many of who are anticommunist), even though the corporate media opinion is literally nazi propaganda that was used to justify killing jews, and all the facts in the world wouldn’t reason you out of a position you’ve gotten into based on blind trust.