I use Pi-Hole and works great. I’ve heard about AdGuard and seems the same thing as PiHole, but you have to install an app/extension. Everyone in this community recommend NextDNS. Whats the difference between them?

  • @darklordcrouton
    21 year ago

    I too was under the impression that you couldn’t add custom lists to NextDNS. Last time I researched this everything I found said you couldn’t as well. I know you can build your deny list but that can be time consuming. I do it, but would love to be able to pull block lists that are already compiled. Can you share more info on how to add custom lists to NextDNS? Thanks!

      • @darklordcrouton
        21 year ago

        Ahh no worries mate! I do it all the time! 😅

        I have been intending to explore other options outside of NextDNS because I want custom block lists. Just means the plan remains the same! Thanks for the update!