• NutWrench
    898 months ago

    I love that whenever something really awful happens to you, they try to justify it by saying, “God never gives you more than you can handle.”

    I know people who have been driven batsh*t insane by what God has given them.

    • @RagingRobot
      318 months ago

      If there is a god he is an asshole and doesn’t deserve worship. I heard he’s the bastard that lets all those children die all the time!

      • @Syrc
        58 months ago

        I mean, are we assholes because we let ants die? I agree if he exists he isn’t deserving of worship, but calling him an asshole for letting kids die is kinda rich from a species that mostly gives no fucks about creatures with lower intellect.

        • @T00l_shed
          198 months ago

          Do almost 1/8th of the ants worship humans as their saviour?

            • @T00l_shed
              128 months ago

              Likely, I mean, humans are real, and if a few hundred billion ants started building temples to us, I suspect things would change.

          • @Syrc
            48 months ago

            Nope, and they have actual proof of our existence.

            Just goes to show how dumb we are as a species. Or maybe there would be less people worshipping God if we knew he existed and gave no fucks about people suffering or dying? Who knows.

    • @Captain_Waffles
      238 months ago

      Yep, but if you ask them why babies have cancer they suddenly don’t have time to debate you.

      • ZeroTemp
        178 months ago

        They won’t debate you but they will tell you that “God has a plan for you” or something like that. Even if that plan is living a super short life and dying and agonizing death.

        • @Captain_Waffles
          148 months ago

          Yep. Apparently babies deserve to suffer for…being born? I’ve been told I should see my horrible migraine as a gift from God that he thinks I’m strong enough to carry. 🤬 Ah yes, the “gift” of unending pain. That’s not a gift, that’s a curse.

    • Karyoplasma
      8 months ago

      Presumably, people who say that have never read the Bible.

      They hide their inhumanity behind some magical sky wizard with a greater plan and misconstrue their privilege as strength of character and confidence.

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      128 months ago

      It’s all survivorship bias.

      The only folks who cling to that belief are the ones who haven’t been broken on the wheel of life

      • @BradleyUffner
        8 months ago

        And the ones that do snap and do horrible things aren’t really true (insert religion here) anyway.

        It’s survivorship bias with an added dash of No True Scotsman.

        • FuglyDuck
          18 months ago

          Unless the horrible things are done to people they hate.