
  • @MiddleWeigh
    21 year ago

    I have heard that about FMA. But pacing doesn’t bother me tbh, I can appreciate all art, even if it’s not source material, it’s still art.

    If you like that kinda pacing (I do too) then you will probably really really dig one piece. There are very dark undertones as well, slavery being one of them.

    I’d consider fma and op very similar actually as far as symbolism and metaphors, they are telling the same story just with different material.

    I know, op fans jusf get flak for being kinda crazy, i think… but I just appreciate it very much for what it’s meant to me, flaws and all.

    • megane-kun
      21 year ago

      Yeah, I’ve actually mulled over watching One Piece during the height of the lockdowns (because everybody got time back then), and well… the amount of stuff intimidated me.

      Anyways, as I’ve said, I’d probably watch the first half of the anime as you’ve advised, or watch a handful of episodes of the anime, and go for the manga from there (might be faster that way as I can sneak in a manga reading session better) … IDK, we’ll see.