• BaroqueInMind
    -1611 months ago

    Civilians do not need automatic weapons. So this ruling makes sense.

    • @FireTower
      1611 months ago

      This court case isn’t about automatic firearms it’s about semiautomatic firearms that exhibit listed features.

      This particular rulling also is only about if the law should be enforced while a the trial regarding it’s constitutionality ensues.

      • BaroqueInMind
        -111 months ago

        Then the headline is wrong because semi-auto firearms are not federally defined as assault weapons.

        • @FireTower
          1111 months ago

          They’re operating off of the CA definition in the headline.

          To the best of my knowledge the only federal definition of the phrase ‘assault weapon’ came from the 1994 ban which ceased in 2004. And that targeted semiautomatic guns too as it was based off of California’s.