• @Burn_The_Right
    9611 months ago

    We’re talking about conservatives here… People so profoundly unintelligent, they still belive there is a child sex ring in the basement of a pizza shop even after it became known that there is no basement there.

    Think about all of the conservatives you know. Is it a coincidence that they are also the least intelligent people you know?

    • @Odelay42
      4811 months ago

      It’s dangerous and counterproductive to say all conservatives are stupid. It implies they’re mere victims of misinformation. While this is true for many, there are millions of smart, rich, knowingly evil and selfish conservatives who willingly design and execute evil deeds of conservative politics.

    • @VubDapple
      11 months ago

      It’s not always a lack of intellect on their part. Its the primacy of emotional processes like fear such that intellect is subordinated to those emotional processes.

      • @Burn_The_Right
        11 months ago

        A person who is quick to anger and slow to understand can be more succinctly described as “fucking stupid” or simply “conservative”.

        • Zorque
          311 months ago

          Ah, good ole’ “never attribute to malice that which can explained away by treating other people as subhuman trash so you don’t have to put intelligent thought into your beliefs”.

        • tygerprints
          111 months ago

          Or as “a man.” Quick to anger I mean - that’s the one thing all my male friends have in common. And the one thing I’ve worked to overcome mostly - not being so quick to anger. And being willing to have other emotions that feel much better in my life.

      • Maeve
        811 months ago

        In at least some cases, they knew emotionally and intellectually, and didn’t care. They repeated a lie knowingly, because they were mad their bully in chief wasn’t reappointed by the flipping EC, which both sides are finally admitting are a detriment to democracy.

    • Bipta
      1611 months ago

      Sometimes they’re not dumb, but just greedy and heartless. It’s an alliance of all the worst people.

      • Maeve
        111 months ago

        I suspect all but the poors are exactly that.

    • @dhork
      1111 months ago

      I know a lot of very intelligent people who are deep down the crazy conservative rabbit hole. These people are so smart they don’t even acknowledge that their knowledge has gaps.

      They choose their sources of information very carefully to confirm the conclusions that their superior intellect has already come to. Any contradictory notions are obviously wrong!

      • @meco03211
        311 months ago

        Not just wrong, but liberal propaganda!

        • tygerprints
          011 months ago

          Hooray for us then. With all the conservative propaganda out there, it’s high time we had our turn at it. And that people are hearing it.

    • tygerprints
      411 months ago

      Isn’t that the truth. And it’s sickening. Not just that people are dull enough to buy into such malarky but willing to give up their morals and ethics and humanity. Sorry but I’ve never met a conservative who I thought had the brains of a flea. They are so easily lead by the nose to the their own destruction.

    • flipht
      311 months ago

      The entire pizzagate lie seems to have been patterned wholesale from the Franklin sex abuse allegations. They just lied about who, what, and where, but all the other details are similar.

      Regressives are deeply uncreative. Almost every accusation is an admission, because they can’t imagine anything outside of their own experiences.