Qualcomm brings receipts: Snapdragon X Elite gets benchmarked, completely dunks on Apple’s M2 processor::Qualcomm made big claims with its Snapdragon X Elite platform and Oryon CPU, but the company proved it to the press last week with a special benchmarking session where we could witness just how powerf

  • @sir_reginald
    1 year ago

    Oh don’t get me wrong, it definitely runs!

    But have you tried using it as a daily driver? Most things will break. I discovered this the hard way by installing it in a Raspberry Pi

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      Was it just because it was arm, or because it was a raspberry pi and had too little of everything else windows likes to hog up? There’s several major laptop manufacturers that are planning to sell laptops with these. I doubt that would be the case if they were all functionally broken to the consumer.