The Democracy of the founding fathers was Greek Democracy, predicated upon a slave society, and restricted to only the elite. This is the society we live in today, even with our reforms towards direct representation. The system is inherently biased towards the election of elites and against the representation of the masses. Hamilton called it “faction” when the working class got together and demanded better conditions, and mechanisms were built in (which still exist to this day) that serve to ensure the continued dominance of the elite over the masses. The suffering of the many is intentional. The opulence of the wealthy is also. This is the intended outcome.

  • @[email protected]OP
    411 months ago

    Yep. When the Israelis say their intention is to push all palestinians in Gaza into the Sinai Peninsula, I believe them. Which is by definition genocide.

    • @galloog1
      211 months ago

      Got a primary source for that?

      • @[email protected]
        611 months ago

        Several. I have spoken to many family friends, one of whom is an Israeli journalist. Do you have a complex perspective or just meaningless grandstanding based on your own infallibility. This is what this has always been, horny trans memes with a heavy tilt against systems of oppression and genocidal governments. This is not equatable to supporting those systems, because one hurts people and one offends you. Hamas is not Palestine, civilians are not militants, only one group here has been occupying land and displacing innocents for generations.

        • @galloog1
          211 months ago

          Your source is that you know a person who heard it once from a journalist speaking their opinion? I’ll let that speak for itself.

          • @[email protected]
            411 months ago

            No I know a person who is a journalist in Israel and is Israeli. Don’t reply if you don’t care to read for meaning and just to argue for your own biases.