…yeah, I’m sure Trump will have your back…

  • @Ensign_Crab
    07 months ago

    Excuse me, but you don’t know a fucking thing about me.

    Wasn’t talking about you. Were you lecturing me?

    • Flying Squid
      27 months ago

      You were talking to me. Sure seemed like you were talking about me. And I can’t know what someone else on the internet would consider a lecture, but it considering I’ve been told I was lecturing by writing a paragraph, I could very well have been lecturing you from your perspective.

      • @Ensign_Crab
        07 months ago

        Well then, I’m sorry your party betrayed you. I’m sorry they betrayed me, too.

        It recently betrayed people who will withhold their votes because of that betrayal. I’m sorry it betrayed them too.

        What do you suppose they thought was gonna happen if they kept betraying people? That everyone would be as willing to stick with people who betray them as you and I are?

        The party is playing its voters for suckers, and never once imagined that this might make people less willing to participate in a system like that.

        • Flying Squid
          27 months ago

          And if they are less willing to participate, Trump gets in. And it gets worse for them. So, as I said, not voting or voting for Trump is not going to help them. Feeling betrayed won’t change the fact that there are only two options and one is inherently worse than the other.

          • @Ensign_Crab
            17 months ago

            Ok. Now that you’ve said the thing to someone who is already gonna vote the way you want, we’re still where we started.

            No amount of wagging your finger at me is gonna change the political reality I described. The party betrayed them, and the party lost their votes.

            Treating your constituents like hostages isn’t consequence-free.

            Scolding me about it isn’t gonna change their minds, but I get the feeling that you’re gonna do it again anyway.

            • Flying Squid
              27 months ago

              Scolding me about it

              What the ever-living fuck? Your first comment to me was scolding and you haven’t stopped scolding me since. Would you like me to quote you?

              My god, the hypocrisy of that.

              • @Ensign_Crab
                07 months ago

                Oh, I thought my first comment to you was expecting you to run the entire Democratic Party because you knew that speculation was going to result in answers you didn’t want to say.

                Guess you stopped pretending.

                • Flying Squid
                  7 months ago

                  I never said you expected me to run the entire Democratic Party. Why are you lying now?

                  EDIT: Proof you’re lying-

                  • @Ensign_Crab
                    7 months ago

                    I never said you expected me to run the entire Democratic Party.

                    I’m not sure why you’re asking me as if I control them.

                    Doesn’t sound like a response to scolding to me.