Only 17% of Arab American voters say they will vote for Biden in 2024, according to a new poll.

  • @[email protected]
    011 months ago

    You know there are 3 branches of government right? It just so happens that the Senate in the legislative branch is controlled by obstructionist Republicans.

    • Ononotagain
      111 months ago

      Umm. I know the point you are trying to make, but making a factual error as part of your argument really undermines the statement. The US senate is currently controlled by Democrats. It’s a slim majority, but it is a Dem majority.

      The HOUSE is controlled by Republicans. Which means the American Bicameral CONGRESS is split between the Democratic senate and Republican House. It doesn’t change your point, and I am not trying to be pedantic, it just makes you sound ill informed and undermines your point.

    • @hark
      -111 months ago

      What does that have to do with Biden’s (read: BIDEN’S (in case you missed it: BIDEN’S)) proposal to immensely increase funding to Israel while they’re carrying out genocide? If there’s one thing I’d like republicans to obstruct, it’d be this. Instead, they’re on the same page. So much for democrats not being the same, huh?