• @Captain_Buddha
    188 months ago

    I mean… doesn’t it technically only become Christianity with the new testament? Old testament doesn’t even have that guy, it’s just God being a dick. The Christ dude had a good message, but I think that’s why they killed him.

    • @[email protected]
      128 months ago

      Like I said, you haven’t read the new testament. I went to a Episcopalian- affiliated school so I’ve had to pass tests on the damn thing.

      Now, for the record, I think Episcopalians have chosen to disobey the clear directions of their ostensible holy book to allow (e.g.) ordination of women and acceptance of some types of queer people, so I do have respect for that denomination to the extent that they deliberately misinterpret the Bible to not be a bunch of assholes.

      But the religion itself? Nah.

      Jesus is one of the best critics of religious phonies ever (particularly in Matthew), but he also frankly fetishized punishing people who didn’t worship him with sufficient alacrity.

      • @[email protected]
        38 months ago

        Episcopalians strike me as a bunch of decent people trying real hard to make the best of a shit sandwich.

      • @Captain_Buddha
        28 months ago

        You didn’t say “you haven’t read the new testement” you said the Bible… I was being pedantic in that Christ was in the new testement, CHRISTianity and all that. I’m not religious, nor was I trying to argue the hypocrisy of this particular one. Although I do find it a funny coincidence that you listed the denomination I had been raised with. OoOOoh, maybe it’s a sign there really IS a God!?

        • @[email protected]
          28 months ago

          You’re right, there is a God. Send me 10% of your paycheck every two weeks and I’ll put in a good word.

          Also: no fapping.

          • @Captain_Buddha
            28 months ago

            That’s more than tithes usually cost… so that must mean YOUR God is better, being more expensive! Sign me up!

            …can I just apologize in a closet to you for fapping like usual?