• @[email protected]
    11 months ago

    I simply asked questions and I get accused of being upset? you must be an absolute hoot at parties Mr. Short Trigger!

    please, regale us with more tales of the fascinating insights into the inner working of your thought process. can your false dichotomy convert the unbelievers?

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      Youre asking how much a ceremony to honor 300 dead costs the good taxpayers of the city because youre an asshole.

      The simple answer is it costs nothing, but you know that, you just want to shit on the homeless, because again, you’re an asshole.

      Your rude snark about the homeless was absolutely clear, as intended. Playing at “JAQing off” in the comments is fooling literally no one.

      • @[email protected]
        -1811 months ago

        this may come as a surprise to you, but asking questions is how we learn. yes, imagine that. now, imagine how much someone is going to learn when they ask questions but instead get a flood of hateful responses. zero. zero is how much they’ll learn. perhaps they’ll just stop giving a rat’s ass about the issue, hmm?

        perhaps you’ve heard that saying “there’s no such thing as a free lunch”? no one works for free, not in Seattle. land, regardless of it’s use, is a limited resource. so, how much did it cost us? I bet it was a lot.

        • @[email protected]
          11 months ago

          Ohh, you’ve moved on from directly hateful snark directed at the homeless to playing at being incredibly stupid instead. I’d say I’m suprised, but I’m really not.

          You “bet it was a lot” in terms of the city budget of Seattle, one of the largest metropolises in the United states, and to some degree the world, to bury 302 people in a single grave after the medical examiner did their legally required job? You think the city should have instead just left 302 dead bodies laying around? Y’all really going to play at being this stupid, to argue that Seattle taxpayers would be better off stepping over the dead instead of burying the deceased at a cost that was very clearly absolutely nothing in terms of our yearly budget?

          You’re really going to carry on with this incredibly dumb premise that you’re just a big idiot that earnestly thinks a single grave stone and 2hr memorial was a budget busting expensive for our 4 million+ populated metro area?

          This is just sad man. Playing at an idiot instead of a hateful piece of shit doesnt save you any amount of face.

          Be better.

        • enkers
          511 months ago

          If I ask a question and get a ton of heated responses, I’d at least try to take some time to consider why that might be, so I’d potentially learn something regardless of my interlocutor’s reply or my initial emotional response. It’s possible they’re just wrong, but it’s also possible that I’m wrong. And if angry replies kept me from learning anything online, I don’t think I’d learn much here at all.

          • @[email protected]
            -811 months ago

            And if angry replies kept me from learning anything online, I don’t think I’d learn much here at all.

            yep, that’s the unfortunate reality of what most online discussion is these days.

    • @SpaceNoodle
      411 months ago

      jUsT aSkInG qUeStIoNs, BrO

      cAlM dOwN