• @samus12345
    1211 months ago

    There are a lot of really stupid people out there.

    • @CADmonkey
      1011 months ago

      I watched an interview between a couple of psychologists, where it was pointed out that 16% of the population in the US (and elsewhere, but they were talking specifically about the US) has an IQ below 85. The video was about what someome scoring 85 is capable of, and it isn’t a lot. That’s smart enough that one can more or less function in society, but they’re functionally illiterate, and basically unable to understand or follow instructions of any kind. But they can register to vote.

      16% seems like a significant percentage. And easy to target.

        • @CADmonkey
          -311 months ago


          Its an interview with someone named Jordan Peterson who is a canadian psychologist. I don’t know much about this person, so I’m sure someone will come along and tell me about some 20+ year old scandal involving them.

          • @Bernie_Sandals
            11 months ago

            More like Jordan Peterson has been a right-wing nut job consistently for 20 years. His entire philosophy for how human society should be run is based on the psychology/anatomy of lobsters. Source There’s much more wrong with him though. He’s gotten way worse after he had a medically induced coma done in Russia as a form of addiction treatment.

            This Video by Veritasium starting at 20:00 explains why it’s very ineffective to use IQ as a standard for intelligence. The rest of the video is great though.

            • @CADmonkey
              -111 months ago

              Am I suposed to research every person whos name I encounter just to make sure they didnt do some “bad thing” 20 years ago? I left a disclaimer in my comment stating I don’t really know who this is, and someone is still here like clockwork caterwauling and crying about someone I don’t know anything about. Get a life.

              • @Bernie_Sandals
                11 months ago

                I wasn’t saying shit about you or your comment. I just meant to inform you on both Peterson and IQ.

          • @[email protected]
            11 months ago

            It really irritates me that people downvoted you for sharing information. People have mixed feels about Jordan Peterson. There are things about him I personally dislike (he rambles… a lot) and some of his views are outright wrong but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t helped people, or that he doesn’t make good points

            People are so black and white in their thinking. The rigidity frustrates me. Anyway, thank you for taking the time to share. I appreciate it

            Edit: I watched both the video suggested and the Veritasium video. The latter was significantly more informative and interesting. Peterson did that thing that he does where he rambled a lot, though the paper folding story is interesting

            • @CADmonkey
              211 months ago

              It’s annoying that I have to apparently research every person in every bit of media before I watch it. Some people get so worked up by this and ignore a lot of actually important info as a result.

              I just assume anyone whining and downvoting is one of the 16%.

              • @[email protected]
                211 months ago

                I agree. Simply watching a single video that someone controversial posted should not make a person guilty by association!

                Lemmings (and redditors) often seem to be all or nothing and I find that disappointing