• @hogunner
    508 months ago

    It would still be concerning if these nut jobs actually followed all the Bible’s “teachings” like they espouse to but instead they believe that they get to decide what parts of the Bible should be taken literally, what parts need “modern” interpretation and what parts are ignored or hidden.

    This makes them even more dangerous because it gives them the power to decide who is abiding by their god’s law and who is in violation of it.

      • @hogunner
        248 months ago

        Agreed but I think we can all agree that while cults are troubling and shouldn’t exist, death cults are even more so. The type of “Christianity” he subscribes to is very much a death cult.

    • spaceghotiOP
      98 months ago

      In fairness, they have to. There’s a fun challenge out there that says open the Bible to a random page and do whatever it says. The last person to go to jail wins.

      The Bible doesn’t teach morality. It reveals the morality the believer has chosen.