Thursday on X (Twitter), all users saw the same pinned topic under the “What’s happening?” sidebar. As part of a “timeline takeover” — which gives advertisers “priority access to logged-in users’ first impression of the day” — conservative media nonprofit PragerU is promoting the hashtag “#DETRANS” to advertise its new film about “the stories of detransitioners.”

    • @mob
      151 year ago

      Oh I hate this argument.

      With an election year next year, politics is about to get shoe horned into everything with the “(insert subject) is politics” is justification.

      I think most people think of technology as scientific based rather than social media trends and events.

      • @peanutyam
        21 year ago

        That’s only if you live in the US though….the rest of the world doesn’t care that much for your local politics….so it won’t be “shoehorned” into all posts as there are internet users outside the USA….gasp

        • @mob
          21 year ago

          Non American Internet users likely talk American politics just as much as Americans. Even if it is just to criticize Americans

      • PorkRollWobbly
        01 year ago

        I wouldn’t call the possibly intentional destruction of a social media infrastructure “social media trends and events.”