Reddit would become compatible with Lemmy essentially making it it’s own “instance”, and suddenly 3rd party apps work with Reddit again.

Full circle.

  • Ulu-Mulu-no-die
    1091 year ago

    Please no, I didn’t quit reddit to have reddit around me again.

    • RCMaehl [Any]
      391 year ago

      We are the corp. You will be assimilated. Your meta and meme distinctiveness will be added to our own. Lower your mods and surrender your communities. Resistance is futile. - Reddit, probably

      • Admiral Patrick
        151 year ago

        I mean, if they were to adopt ActivityPub and enable federation, you can pretty much guarantee they’d slap ads next to content pulled in from FOSS instances. Kinda their thing.

      • @chrundle
        51 year ago

        So who will be Locutus in that scenario

        • @x4740N
          21 year ago

          Not spez because spez is willingly fucking up reddit

          Spez could be counted as a borg queen

          • @x4740N
            21 year ago

            My comment also got me into deep thought about how humanity is like a borg collective but we don’t realise it

            With the controlling rich being the equivalent of a borg queen and capitalism being the control

      • @AlaskanShrimp
        31 year ago

        “We will take your lands, your children, your traditions, and your future.”

        • Genghis Khan, probably
    • @aggelalex
      31 year ago

      Reddit federating would provide us with a much better API for 3rd partys. It would be the walk back of the century.