• @Smoogs
    -151 year ago

    Removed by mod

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      Right cuz cyclists are totally paying the road fees to keep the road maintained even they don’t cause any damages at all. What was it called? Ah yes. Taxes

      • @Smoogs
        1 year ago

        Didn’t argue that it requires more for a car hence why Registration is a lot more. If it was taxes in general and only for bikes it would not be built for cars to use either. You have to share it. Just like you expect them to share with bikes.

        And speaking of taxes : Just like you expect transit such as buses to also exist for people moving. Which is also paid by taxes and bikes should also have to share with them. if you put a bus or any emergency vehicle in place of that car in that cartoon, those cyclists are the bigger asshole in the equation.

        I’m all for cutting down emissions but putting people in danger or doubling down inconsideration is a foolish, abusive and negligent stance to be taking.

        • @[email protected]
          101 year ago

          Go shift your goalposts somewhere else. You said cyclists didn’t pay for roads. You’re wrong. Now leave, thx.

          • @Smoogs
            -91 year ago

            Taxes pay for busses. Share with the busses.

        • @RedTie13
          91 year ago

          Except pedestrians and cyclists subsidize the roads through taxes while cars wouldn’t even break even with high cost of road maintenance. This is not including the insane parking requirements that most US cities have.

          • @Smoogs
            -61 year ago

            Cars pay a sliding registration though so that’s simply not true.

            Also: Share with the busses.

            • @RedTie13
              91 year ago

              A sliding scale that still isn’t enough to fund the roads does not make it any less true lol

    • @[email protected]
      101 year ago

      Depends on your country. Here in the UK roads are maintained using funds from the general tax pool, so the cyclists are actually subsidising the motorists, who proportionally do a lot more damage to the road surface.

      • @Smoogs
        -41 year ago

        If they are subsidizing they are paying a portion. If they are then they should be but they should also not be acting like it was entirely built entirely by cyclists for cyclists who have equal use of the road as if they are the same as a car with the same intentions as a car or transit or emergency vehicle. Yes they can have their lane but acting like they can act as wide as a car for an argument to act like an entitled asshole on the road even on a ‘subsidy’ is an inane comparison.

        • @[email protected]
          61 year ago

          If you are saying that you support the construction of comprehensive segregated cycle paths then I am very much on your side.

          Yes they can have their lane

          It would be nice if motorists also kept to their lane, then. Too often I find my cycle lanes blocked by drivers who feel that the road was"entirely built entirely by motorists for motorists". I would also be happy to keep to my lane if it always existed. As it is, a lot of the time I’m left with no other choice but to join with the motor traffic as the cycle lanes just stop existing. In the UK it’s illegal to ride on the pavement, and I’m sure you wouldn’t want me to become another cyclist who just ignores the law for his own benefit?

          It’s also important to note here that the UK now has the Hierarchy of Road Users, which explicitly states that the more vulnerable the road user, the more priority they should be given. Pedestrians have top priority, followed by horses, followed by cyclists, and then with motorised traffic at the bottom. It’s a very new development, and one that I don’t think has been tested in law yet, but it’s there in our Highway Code.

          • @Smoogs
            -31 year ago

            emergency vehicles and transit are motorized as well which hold vulnerable people(if not the most vulnerable). That should be taken into account.

            and I’m sure you wouldn’t want me to become another cyclist who just ignores the law for his own benefit?

            As a cyclist I don’t do this as it’s my decision. so you don’t speak for all cyclists. Don’t hold me hostage with your behaviour decisions as I’m not holding you hostage with mine. You can Manage your own behaviour like a responsible person without making threats as a bad faith argument. It’s beneath all of us to act this way and undermining legitimate arguments at best.

    • Cows Look Like MapsOP
      1 year ago

      Roads are maintained with taxpayer dollars because car registration is insignificant. Potholes form due to weight/usage of the road and cars are much much harder on roads than bicycles. So in reality, people riding bikes are subsidizing all the damage caused by cars using the roads. Not to mention that many people on bikes also own cars and pay for registration…

      • @Couplqnd
        41 year ago

        Right, and I don’t have kids so why am I paying for kids to go to public school? And I have never had to call the fire department, my taxes should not go to them!

        The argument that taxes should only be used for things you use is wrong. The whole point of taxes is to benefit society as whole. Roads are used for many purposes and for different reasons. No one owns the roads! They’re public!

      • @Smoogs
        -31 year ago

        Actually Much of those repairs are from fuel taxes and cyclists don’t use fuel. But they are certainly benefitting from it. You can’t have it both ways.

    • @[email protected]
      71 year ago

      Ha. As a cyclist I hear this all the fucking time. Road tax is based on emissions. Regular tax pays for road maintenance. People also forget that the majority of cyclists are also car owners themselves.

      • @Smoogs
        -21 year ago

        No shit Im one of them. But doesn’t mean I agree that you can act like an entitled ass regardless of vehicle you drive. Fuel tax also pays for road maintenance that benefits cyclists. Maybe don’t demonize while using it then. By the by I agree with a bike lane. I disagree that you have to make bullshit arguments about size to make that point. You all want to fuck cars but really you are benefiting from them.

    • arthurpizza
      51 year ago

      It would make sense that the ones doing the majority of the damage to the roads (cars) should be the ones paying for it.

      Also, cyclists taxes pay for things like public parking even though we never use it.

      • @Smoogs
        1 year ago

        I do. I have both vehicles. So do many cyclists also own cars. And most people may need an ambulance or may take transit .

        Just cuz you personally think you don’t use something doesn’t absolve that you could still benefit from it just cuz there’s a majority who made it possible. you benefit from vehicles paying a fuel tax. You could also benefit from emergency and transit vehicles having a road to drive on if you had to ever have to be in one. That fuel moving your body is paying for the road.

        • @puppy
          11 year ago

          In another comment you said the following.

          that car would have pulled over two blocks ago and the cyclists would still be blocking the fire truck.

          Now you say

          I do. I have both vehicles.

          What are you trying to say? Are you saying that you block emergency vehicles like an inconsiderate pos when you are riding a bike but immediately pull over and act like a sensible person when you are driving? Is that what you’re trying to say?

    • @jomoo99
      41 year ago

      Registration fees just fund the DMV… Not road repairs

      • @Smoogs
        1 year ago

        Some are fees. Some are Fuel taxes for roads. Cyclists don’t use fuel. But if it’s road space they believe they are entitled to then from that picture they benefit from fuel and they don’t want that to stop. Fuel pays for those bike lanes.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      Yes they are, roads are mostly build and maintained with taxpayer dollars.

      So cyclist only use a portion of the road, don’t generate any wear unlike the other 2 tons vehicles they are sharing the road with but still pay the same amount than car users.

      You are right that it is quite unfair.
