According to and real estate research firm Urbanation, the Canadian market continued its upward trajectory with data suggesting a monthly increase of 1.5 per cent from August, and an annual surge of 11.1 per cent.

Experiencing double-digit year-over-year growth, the annual rate of rent inflation surged to its highest point in nine months, stated the report.

The report’s metrics are based on new listings, not what existing tenants are paying per month.

In terms of rental types, one-bedroom units recorded the fastest annual growth in asking rents, soaring by 15.5 per cent, reaching an average of $1,905.

  • @Bonskreeskreeskree
    198 months ago

    These companies will continue to milk every last cent from the population. They will take living expenses beyond your income. You will go into debt to pay for your housing. Or you can force your representatives to pass legislation ending this abuse and greed.

    • @FireRetardant
      158 months ago

      A significant portion of our representives are landlords and have a conflict of interest in improving the situation.

      • Funderpants
        128 months ago

        Yes, by percentage of caucus CPC (46%), LPC (39%), BQ, and NDP(16%) according to disclosures.

          • Funderpants
            78 months ago

            Indeed, and landlords in Parliament are not a problem per se. Having them at such a disproportionate rate versus the general population absolutely is.