Former President Barack Obama cautioned against ignoring the complexities of the Israel-Hamas war, warning that “all of us are complicit.”

“If you want to solve the problem, then you have to take in the whole truth. And you then have to admit nobody’s hands are clean, that all of us are complicit to some degree,” he said in an excerpted interview with Pod Save America released Saturday.

  • @stevehobbes
    11 months ago

    Have you considered that if Gaza didn’t have terrorist groups they might a functioning society and government?

    • @kittenzrulz123
      3411 months ago

      Have you considered that Gaza wouldn’t have terrorist groups if the people had basic human rights?

      • @stevehobbes
        211 months ago

        Well, given that the reason Gaza is occupied is because of the terrorist groups, I think order of operations is somewhat disputed.

        This is 70 years of tit for tat. My point is that both parties here are wrong.

        There is no good or bad guy, just two bad guys.

        • @kittenzrulz123
          811 months ago

          The reason why Gaza is colonized is because Palestinians didn’t want to split their land with a European settler colonialists. They resisted Israeli domination and lost.

          • @[email protected]
            -311 months ago

            if you are looking at a genocide and taking the idiots position of ‘but my both sides bad’ you don’t deserve to have an opinion

            fuck off to your couch you fucking bitch

      • Overzeetop
        111 months ago

        That’s incorrect. The existence of the terrorist groups are the result of Resolution 181 and the ensuing war that established the modern day boundaries of Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza.

        The continued support for these terrorists groups has been bolstered in part by the heavy-handed tactics of Israel and the animosity between Israel and regional powers, but the original sin here was the British (and much of the western world) cowtowing to Zionists to create a theoretical two-state solution from scratch and overlaying it on an existing mixed-background area known as Palestine.

        There are a lot of movie parts here, but the simple enmity between hardline Muslims and hardline Jews predates pretty much everyone currently alive on this planet.

        • @jarfil
          211 months ago

          Resolution 181 is a red herring.

          There were already Arab vs. Zionist clashes before it, and they would have continued with or without a resolution that nobody was following. Only thing the British can be seen at fault for, is leaving without having enforced 181… which meant leaving Israel alone to fight a war against a coordinated attack from multiple Arab countries at once. Not precisely “cowtowing” to Israel.

          Modern terrorist groups are the result of Israel going against its own Declaration of Independence where it promised to follow 181, and instead trying to get exclusive control of the whole territory… while Palestinians are getting pummeled, but still also refuse to consider a two-state solution, leaving them in an underdog position where all they can do is some terrorist attacks and wait to get destroyed.

          • Overzeetop
            211 months ago

            It’s good to see that reddit-level discourse has arrived.

      • @stevehobbes
        -811 months ago

        The West Bank is free from terrorist groups? 🤯

          • @stevehobbes
            11 months ago

            Cute. I would encourage you to go attend a pride parade in Gaza or the West Bank and let me know how it goes.

            Leopards and faces.

      • @[email protected]
        611 months ago

        Gaza isn’t colonized. Israel pulled out unilaterally in 2004 and evicted every Jewish settler, some at gunpoint.

        • @aidanM
          211 months ago

          It’s been 80 years, sometimes you have to move on from your grandpa’s battles. Do you think Germans should target Czechs living in Sudetenland? Or Poles in Silesia or Pomeranian or Eastern Prussia?

          • @[email protected]
            011 months ago

            No, that’s precisely what I’ve been arguing. Gaza has the 1967 borders and the same borders it had in 1949 after the armistice from the 1948 war was drawn.

            • @aidanM
              111 months ago

              Sorry, my comment was meant for someone else, but I’ve had really inconsistent internet while traveling.

        • @endhits
          111 months ago

          All of what is called “Israel” is colonized Palestinian land.

        • @[email protected]
          -111 months ago

          If they’ve been there more than 400 years then then you should consider them to have a claim on the land. Either you are a massive hypocrite or you advocate for indigenous peoples in the Americas to take back their land from colonist descendants.

          • @aidanM
            011 months ago

            Same with if they’ve been there 80 years.

            • @[email protected]
              111 months ago

              So you’re for a 1 state solution with equal rights and a government ran by the majority like south Africa?

        • @[email protected]
          -511 months ago

          Oh shut up you politically illiterate toddler. Take your basic bitch opinions and shove them up your ass where they belong. Like you crackers even fucking know shit about colonialism.

            • @[email protected]
              -411 months ago

              do you know anything besides reddit copy paste phrases or kiddie shit from wikipedia or will you fucking yogurt skins finally surprise me with the ability to have anything more than a dogshit and uninformed opinion

    • Arlaerion
      311 months ago

      Maybe if israeli hardliners didn’t support the founding of Hamas and assassinate Rabin they could have reached a peaceful solution almost 20 years ago?