That’s all.

  • @S_204
    -27 months ago

    You’re right, trust the Islamic jihadists who have stolen so much aid from their own people that the UN had to step in and stop providing.

    The leadership of Hamas was on Lebanese TV the other day saying they know civilians will die because of their actions, they intend on attacking again and again regardless of that. I’m paraphrasing but it was pretty wild to see.

    • @Aceticon
      17 months ago

      That often repeated false dichotomy doesn’t stop being a bullshit falacy no matter how much the cheerleader taking sides repeat it.

      Distrusting the IDF is not the same as trusting Hamas, not even close, not even in the same universe.

      If the IDF was trustworthy you wouldn’t need need to fall back to such “if you’re not with us you’re against us” propaganda spiels.