Canada’s Carbon Price Working, So Of Course It’s Being Attacked::How Do You Defend A Working Carbon Price That’s Benefiting Poor People?

  • @Stanwich
    151 year ago

    I don’t know if I’m middle class anymore. But I pay taxes on everything. I get none of the grants. I work as much overtime as I can and every bill keeps going up. I’m not saying carbon tax won’t work but fucking pause it for a bit so I can afford to fucking eat.

    • @[email protected]
      91 year ago

      You were never middle class. None of us are. If you need to work or receive pension payments to maintain your lifestyle you’re working class. Convincing the working class that they’re middle class is one of the biggest cons of the last century.

    • Pxtl
      81 year ago

      If you’re in a province where the carbon price is federally run, you get the rebate. The average person should break even with the rebate.

      • @Stanwich
        1 year ago

        You need to make less then 60 grand to get rebates. I make more so no rebates

        Edit 50 grand . In my case I make enough that I get nothing back. This whole family income deal sucks.

        • Pxtl
          91 year ago

          Then you are in a province where the carbon price is not run by the fed. The fed says every province has to have a carbon price, but has minimal opinion on where the revenue goes. If a province does not implement their own system, then they get the federal carbon tax-and-rebate system.

          The federal tax-and-rebate system has no income rules. You can be broke or a billionaire you still get your cut. The amount is based on province (the ctax money does not leave the province), family size, and urban vs rural (rural folks get a bigger chunk of the pie).

          • @Stanwich
            11 year ago

            How the fuck do you figure that. It specifically gives a income amount and threshold. I make over a certain amount so no return. They adjust it to family income. How is that spreading bullshit?

            • @[email protected]
              11 year ago

              Because the federal carbon tax rebate has no income threshold, I would know since I get it and my income is double your theoretical threshold.