• @TropicalDingdong
    211 months ago

    with convictions.hes barred from running in several states, so it’s just a non starter.

    • @Nightwingdragon
      111 months ago

      He’s not barred until someone declares him barred. Who’s to say that the GOP state leadership won’t let him on the ballot anyway because fuck you that’s why?

      • @TropicalDingdong
        011 months ago

        GOP isn’t a lawmaking body. There are rules in various states about who can be on a ballot.

        • @Nightwingdragon
          111 months ago

          Yes, but who is tasked with enforcing those rules? Who, specifically, makes the call saying Trump can or cannot be on a ballot? In red states, the answer to those questions is “The Republican Party.”

          • @TropicalDingdong
            011 months ago

            He only has to get knocked off in like, one state, for him to be non-viable.

            • @Nightwingdragon
              111 months ago

              No, he actually has to get knocked off in several

              Colorado, for example, will not matter because they’ve voted blue for the last 2 decades. Michigan will matter because it’s a swing state where Trump needs to win. But even if Michigan does kick him off the ballot, he could still easily get enough from the remainder of the swing states. He’d need at least 2-3 more swing states to not go his way before he’d become non-viable.

              • @TropicalDingdong
                011 months ago

                The point is that if he’s convicted of a Federal crime, he by default can not be on the ballot in many states. Its big enough that it wont matter. Depending on how it all goes down, there is a very good chance he won’t be on the ballot in GA. If that happens, he’s also off the ballot in Louisiana.

                • @Nightwingdragon
                  111 months ago

                  You keep missing the point. Him being removed from the ballot is not automatic. Whether or not it should be is irrelevant. If the SoS in GA wants to keep Trump on the ballot, he’s going to be able to do that until a judge shuts him down, and maybe not even then. Same with LA or any other red state. It would be far from the first time the GOP just ignored the law because fuck you that’s why.

                  Look at what we’ve seen with gerrymandered maps in the past. We’ve seen multiple occasions where the courts tell states to redraw the maps, and they just stall out and defy the orders until it’s too late, then they say “it’s too late to redraw the maps now; we’re gonna just have to use the old maps I guess. Golly gee darn, I wonder how that happened?”. And what did they get in return? GOP control of the House.

                  Who’s to say they won’t do the same thing here? “Sorry, but the ballots were already being printed while we went through the appeal process. It’s too late to print all new ballots now, so I guess Trump’s name is just gonna have to stay.”.