Today, if people I meet in person want to communicate with me, they have to download and login Matrix apps or have to receive a password from me for the Tutanota encrypted emails. In either case, there is extra friction that they are not used to.

To minimize friction, I would love to add to my personal website a service like Element’s Chatterbox. However, Chatterbox itself is insanely expensive. It cost $3 per month per active user. Of course, this was the advertised price before Element hid the price.

The ideal solution, for me, is to give a new acquaintance my URL. Then, they simply head to my website and there they will be able to chat with me directly. No logins. No setup.

Is there an existing solution that doesn’t cost a kidney? If it doesn’t, I hope it gets developed, a libre and end-to-end encrypted embedded chat!

  • Danny M
    1 year ago

    How about cactus? it’s technically designed for comments on a blog (I’m using it on for example), but it allows you to use any matrix room and if you set it up to use a different matrix room every time it loads the page it will work perfectly for your usecase.

    Please keep in mind that if you decide to adopt it, Cactus can only exist if you help it exist, if you can afford it and you get value from it, I encourage you to support the developers through donations. Embrace the Value4Value principle!