I realize this is a divisive issue, but it’s clear that these horrific incidents are going to keep happening with shocking regularity. It seems we’ve all collectively shrugged our shoulders and accepted it as the reality going forward.

  • @[email protected]
    311 months ago

    could there be any other differences at all, like cultural differences

    Yeah, you covered it below

    a culture of complete unwillingness to give them up

    Which is why

    It just won’t work here.

    Not that it can’t, but it won’t. Because the general population of the completely unwilling to do anything at all about it.

    Hence the meme. It’s a uniquely American thing to be that selfish.

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      So, should we continue arguing for what “won’t work,” and bicker in perpetuity, or should we maybe attempt to focus on the root causes of violence that actually could make a meaningful impact, at least first?

      • @[email protected]
        411 months ago

        So what’s the fix for this “root cause”, and how is it easier to achieve than some basic firearm restrictions?

        • @[email protected]
          11 months ago

          Now see, that’s the thing. You can “achieve more firearms restrictions” by simple tyranny of the majority, but it doesn’t actually necessarily translate to “that shit actually happening” considering the fact that pandora’s box has been opened. But if you want to actually achieve a reduction in the rate of violent crime, you need to attack it at the source. It’s like a severed artery, the tourniquet can stay on for about 4h, but eventually it’ll need to.actually be fixed, or you’ll still just die. If we don’t solve the actual problems the problem won’t actually get solved, you see.