Thanks traveler! This edition of the casino is super light on logic, since we’re trying to build a full-scale city I want minimal impacts on rendering. But I do plan on building future locations of Caesarus’s Palace on different worlds. For those, I’d love help with any sort of logic circuit which could be used as a randomizer, scrolling light, or anything which you can find a gambling-related application for. It can’t rely on Bytebeats though; I tried that before, and it seems to only work reliably when I’m in the session. When I’m offline, the machines tend to break.
I used to be big into Redstone in Minecraft, so I would get super into logic in Minecraft, if only HG would give us a diode… my brain, so far, doesn’t like to build complex things in a fun way without diodes.
When you mention diodes, I’m guessing you’re trying to control power flow so that it can only go in one direction? You can do that in NMS using autoswitches. Just connect the input node of the autoswitch directly to its modification node. It will prevent power from back flowing and mucking up the actions upstream.
Byte Beats aren’t very good at managing lighting effects because they tend to bug out when you exit and reload the area. I used to have them running my scrolling lights at this base until I got fed up and replaced them with a cycling circuit. Byte beats are great for sound effects however. Sirens, buzzers, zipping and pinging sounds, yadda yadda. Stuff that starts and stops while the player is interacting with the device.
I have working designs for scrolling lights, timers, scoreboards, etc. and while I don’t have a randomized I have a binary counter that could probably be used to fake one if we’re clever.
I don’t mind helping out as long as you don’t mind me making it a topic on my NMS logic building youtube channel.
Yeah I used them for a cheap randomizer circuit. So I had 2 Bytebeats putting out a total of 8 possible signals, corresponding to 8 possible numbers, plus another Bytebeat set at a different BPM which would put out signals which would interrupt / block the main signals. So the numbers would always scroll through 1 - 8, but on one passthrough it might block 4, on the next passthrough it might block 7… I thought that was a smart and low-part-count pseudo-randomizer. But alas, it doesn’t work when I’m offline - people report that it either puts out no numbers, or repeatedly puts out the same number.
One important consideration, since these casinos are meant to be utilized in multiplayer settings, is that I would want to use the smallest number of possible parts to reduce lag and rendering issues.
It may be a little while before I start the next casino, but when that day comes, I would absolutely love to have your help and would be happy for you to feature the process on your Youtube channel. Which could, in turn, be shared with the Galactic Hub community - mutual promotion is always a good thing!
Byte beats behave poorly if you leave them running all the time, or load into an area where they’ve been left running. so I think you could make that gimmick work if use a motion detector somewhere that the player will have to pass. Have the gizmo turn on when they’re near, and turn off when they leave. As long as it’s activated during the players session I’d wager it’ll work just fine.
Fantastic. If you need help with the logic, that’s kinda my bag. I’d love to see more players diving into logic.
Thanks traveler! This edition of the casino is super light on logic, since we’re trying to build a full-scale city I want minimal impacts on rendering. But I do plan on building future locations of Caesarus’s Palace on different worlds. For those, I’d love help with any sort of logic circuit which could be used as a randomizer, scrolling light, or anything which you can find a gambling-related application for. It can’t rely on Bytebeats though; I tried that before, and it seems to only work reliably when I’m in the session. When I’m offline, the machines tend to break.
I used to be big into Redstone in Minecraft, so I would get super into logic in Minecraft, if only HG would give us a diode… my brain, so far, doesn’t like to build complex things in a fun way without diodes.
When you mention diodes, I’m guessing you’re trying to control power flow so that it can only go in one direction? You can do that in NMS using autoswitches. Just connect the input node of the autoswitch directly to its modification node. It will prevent power from back flowing and mucking up the actions upstream.
Oooh I’ll have to try that. The lack of diodes has been a major stumbling block for me especially when it comes to making displays and such.
Byte Beats aren’t very good at managing lighting effects because they tend to bug out when you exit and reload the area. I used to have them running my scrolling lights at this base until I got fed up and replaced them with a cycling circuit. Byte beats are great for sound effects however. Sirens, buzzers, zipping and pinging sounds, yadda yadda. Stuff that starts and stops while the player is interacting with the device.
I have working designs for scrolling lights, timers, scoreboards, etc. and while I don’t have a randomized I have a binary counter that could probably be used to fake one if we’re clever.
I don’t mind helping out as long as you don’t mind me making it a topic on my NMS logic building youtube channel.
Yeah I used them for a cheap randomizer circuit. So I had 2 Bytebeats putting out a total of 8 possible signals, corresponding to 8 possible numbers, plus another Bytebeat set at a different BPM which would put out signals which would interrupt / block the main signals. So the numbers would always scroll through 1 - 8, but on one passthrough it might block 4, on the next passthrough it might block 7… I thought that was a smart and low-part-count pseudo-randomizer. But alas, it doesn’t work when I’m offline - people report that it either puts out no numbers, or repeatedly puts out the same number.
One important consideration, since these casinos are meant to be utilized in multiplayer settings, is that I would want to use the smallest number of possible parts to reduce lag and rendering issues.
It may be a little while before I start the next casino, but when that day comes, I would absolutely love to have your help and would be happy for you to feature the process on your Youtube channel. Which could, in turn, be shared with the Galactic Hub community - mutual promotion is always a good thing!
Byte beats behave poorly if you leave them running all the time, or load into an area where they’ve been left running. so I think you could make that gimmick work if use a motion detector somewhere that the player will have to pass. Have the gizmo turn on when they’re near, and turn off when they leave. As long as it’s activated during the players session I’d wager it’ll work just fine.
That’s a great idea, I’ll try that! Thanks traveler