Google could kill YouTube Vanced for good::The company is exploring an integrity API that could lock down WebViews with DRM

  • @Marruk
    6 months ago

    Manuel Vonau

    From his bio on that site (

    Manuel studied Media and Culture studies in Düsseldorf, finishing his university career with a master’s thesis titled “The Aesthetics of Tech YouTube Channels: Production of Proximity and Authenticity.” His background gives him a unique perspective on the ever-evolving world of technology and its implications on society. He isn’t shy to dig into technical backgrounds and the nitty-gritty developer details, either.

    So he’s a marketing guy with possibly zero tech background beyond watching YouTube videos, who isn’t afraid to discuss “nitty-gritty developer details” despite apparently not actually understanding them.

    • @[email protected]
      36 months ago

      To be fair, you can be a developer maintaining a website or an app for a company that operates on stuff you have no idea about. Working for a hospital doesn’t mean you can perform surgery.

      • @Marruk
        36 months ago

        I actually am a developer who works for a hospital. I wouldn’t write articles or otherwise create materials discussing the “nitty gritty medical details”.