• So you’re trusting the terrorists to tell you Israel has hit their members, but not a western country to tell you that they hit the terrorists?

    Nowhere did i say that. I thought it obvious that in a war claims from either side are to be taken with scepticism and best confirmed independantly. Also UNRWA and international medical staff aren’t terrorists.

    Hamas has plenty of fuel. Nobody is condemning them for not sharing it with their own people

    Israel claims that. Meanwhile UNRWA said they got some fuel from reserves, but those reserves to run out soon despite rationing. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/30/middleeast/fuel-gaza-crisis-map-dg/index.html

    Can you source that?

    You are not aware of Israels announcement and subsequent total blockade of Gaza with food, water, medical supplies and fuel?


    • @DoomBot5
      01 year ago

      They stopped providing Gaza with free resources. They did not target existing infrastructure in Gaza.

      • That is a gross misrepresentation.

        As the occupying force it is their obligation to provide the people with all necessities for survival, or enable the people to get these. As Israel has been blocking most transfer of goods it is extremely difficult for Gaza to build up an economy to buy all these things. But even if they could pay for them, Israel has been blocking the transfer of everything, including bombing the Rafah crossing to deny the entry of humanitarian aid from Egypt. By denying the entry of fuel, which is needed to operate the power plant, generators, desalination and wells, they have also targeted these infrastructures, because the, also explicitly stated goal, is to deny people electricity and water. Finally there have been attacks on solar panels, generator houses and water tanks at hospitals and residential buildings. Israel claims all of these to have been military targets. But if the solar panels are the only lifeline of people who need dyalisis and incubators for early born children, i struggle to see the justification in turning the lights out in some claimed Hamas tunnel nearby.

        • @DoomBot5
          -11 year ago

          By nearby you mean under the hospitals themselves. That’s also where the power goes to. Any leftovers might reach the hospital above. It’s the same with all the other supplies. Hamas has plenty they have stolen for themselves abs refuse to share with their citizens.

          • Again these are Israeli claims, that are disputed by UNRWA and other humanitarian organizations, which are actually in Gaza.

            Even assuming that Israels claims to alleged Hamas positions are true, the question remains if killing a hundred newborns justifies destryoing one Hamas position. Israel is assuming a blanket permission to bomb anything in Gaza with impunity, whereas the Geneva convention and other accords still require that the achieved military goals needs to exceed the civillian casualities.

            And it is no coincidence that Israel did not ratify the ICC accords in order to not be held liable for its war crimes.

            • @DoomBot5
              -11 year ago

              UNRWA is a joke. Half their members are also part of Hamas and they do not verify anything Hamas says. They just claim it as fact. Actually look into organizations you want to accept as fact.