Version 1.22.0 was just released with support for viewing deeply nested comments.

This feature is SUPER cool and something I’ve wanted to do for a while (despite not making a Github issue for it). I can only take credit for the code though, because the design is inspired from Apollo.

There’s two parts to the experience to viewing deeply nested comments:

Load parent comments


When you’re viewing a link to a single comment and the comment is nested greater than three layers, you will see a “Load parent comments” button:

When you tap it, you can continue to load parent comments, all the way back to the root comment. And what’s cool about it is since you’re viewing a single comment chain, we can take advantage of that and forgo the indentation:

Even though the parent chain isn’t indented for a given comment, the comments still have their unique nesting colors!

Continue Thread

When comments get too nested for a single page, you’ll see a “Continue Thread” button:

Tapping that brings you to a new page to continue viewing the thread (notice page title is “Thread” and initial comment is highlighted):

You can keep doing this over and over again for very deeply nested conversations, to the bitter end!

ICYMI: Communities list alphabetical scroll bar

Released in v1.21.0, You can now quickly scrub through all your communities

  • @[email protected]
    411 months ago

    Damn. That is ridiculously cold and you just dismiss it as not bad😂. By bundle up I am guessing you mean slip into layers and layers of thermal clothing and blankets.

    Also do you like to use Fahrenheit or has it become like a bad habit you can’t get rid of¿?

    • ares35
      111 months ago

      i’ve lived ‘up north’ most my life. it’s not ‘cold’ until fahrenheit and celsius agree: -40

    • @aehardingOPM
      111 months ago

      Yeah just more layers! I also bike in the winter to get around (shout out [email protected])

      And yes I’m a degF weirdo but I blame my country 😅

      • @aehardingOPM
        111 months ago

        Snow pic! (Last year)

        • @[email protected]
          211 months ago

          It’s nesting all the way down!

          Midwesterner here too. Cold is when your nose hairs freeze when you go outside.

          • @aehardingOPM
            311 months ago

            Cold is when your windows have ice… on the inside