“Every day Biden chooses to fund genocide, he loses support,” said Sunrise Movement.

  • @EndlessApollo
    8 months ago

    You support fuckers that literally run ads for far right politicians like Trump, helping them win their primaries so they can get the “easy” win. Not to mention the corruption and the utter fucking stupidity that went into nominating people like Hillary and Biden over Bernie TWO ELECTIONS IN A ROW!

    You got trump into office, and your hostile attitude towards people who don’t unconditionally kiss democrat ass will ensure he returns. I hope some day you realize that and it makes you feel absolutely fucking horrible for making so much horrible shit happen

    • yyyesss?
      08 months ago

      you don’t know who the fuck i support. i’m just telling you what i saw. you’re either extremely reactionary or arguing in bad faith. kindly fuck off.