Dungeon Maker has been a passion project of mine for the last year and a half. It’s a map maker and multiplayer campaign manager for DnD 5e.

The program features a robust encounter map maker and map exporter for you to use your maps in any program you like. It also features a campaign maker where you can tie together encounter maps into a world map.

You can create enemies and NPCs and give them actions and spells to use in game. As the Dungeon Master you can take full control of these characters and enemies during your campaigns.

It features full multiplayer, with a character creator for your players, dynamic lighting, an encounter tracker, animated actions, automatic dice rolls, and more.

I would love for you to check out Dungeon Maker on Steam.

  • @TigerClawTV
    22 years ago

    Nice looking app! I see it’s specialized for 5e. Is it usable for other systems? (I’m primarily an OSR guy)

    • @TavarinOP
      22 years ago

      You can still build maps and use the multiplayer for any system, but you will have to use the manual dice rolls included in the program and manually edit health for those systems right now, since the back end rolls for actions and saving throws use 5e rules.

      I do hope to add other ruleset support, but it took me a few months just to get the 5e rules mostly working, so it will be a while before other rulesets are fully supported.

      • @TigerClawTV
        22 years ago

        Picked up a copy. Thanks for making affordable table top tools! Best of luck with your project!

        • @TavarinOP
          22 years ago

          Awesome, thank you for your support!