If so what kind of training they would have to go through ? By training I mean the spatial and situational awareness, combat skills (this is kinda unrealistic), enough knowledge to turn any situation to their advantage etc.

Just think of the person as your average joe who financially has nothing to spend on high tech gadgets or state of the art training equipment. And doesn’t even have any support from another human being. Basically one has to train from the ground up alone.

Don’t limit the answers to just James Bond and John wick, you can even consider any realistically possible superhero or supervillain (like batman or taskmaster) as well.

So what’s your take ?

  • @TeaHands
    211 months ago

    It would probably help if their full time job was already secret agent.

    I always find the bit that takes me out of those characters is that they seem to speak, like, every language. I know polyglots exist, but the time it would take on top of the time all their other skills would take? Not only to learn, but to maintain fluency? There’s literally not enough hours in the day.