This is Microsoft’s latest annoying addition to Windows.

  • @[email protected]
    611 months ago

    There’s a guy above that listed 11 issues that he couldn’t figure out when he swallowed from Windows to mint. I swear the Linux maximalists just repeat “Linux works perfectly” on loop hoping that’ll make it true

    • @TheGrandNagus
      11 months ago

      I never said you’ll never run into issues. Desktop OSes are intrinsically more complicated than, say, a notes app.

      But if you think people don’t run into issues on Windows all the time, or that no time was spent learning how windows works, then you’re out of your mind.

      Mint is objectively easier to use than Windows. I’m not telling you to use it. Use what you want. I’m just giving you the info.

      i sWeAr WiNdOwS mAxImaLisTs jUsT rEpEaT “wIndOWs wOrKs pErFecTlY” oN LoOp hOpiNG tHat’LL mAkE iT tRuE

      • @[email protected]
        211 months ago

        We’re not talking about complicated things that need learning. We’re talking about the fingerprint scanner not working in mint or the scrolling being a super sensitive default speed

        If you need to dive into online forums to fix your os installation, instead of just going into the settings app, then it is not “objectively easier than windows”

        • @TheGrandNagus
          011 months ago

          Which settings app? Windows has multiple, for… reasons…

          And let me get this straight, you’re saying people never search for assistance when things don’t work in Windows? Lmao