After it was clear that a whopping majority of Ohio citizens, despite it being a red state, favored allowing women to make their own choices, the Ohio House speaker, Jason Stephens, a Republican, declared, “I remain steadfastly committed to protecting life, and that commitment is unwavering. The legislature has multiple paths that we will explore to continue to protect innocent life. This is not the end of the conversation.”

In other words: We don’t care what the vast majority of Ohioans want on this deeply personal matter; we will find a way to impose our position—a minority-held view—on everyone.

  • @paddirn
    156 months ago

    They’ll complain that the rights of their minority beliefs are being infringed upon because they can’t force other people to do what they say. I’m assuming they’ll continue to turn to violence to get what they want, since they obviously don’t have any ideas to run on.