The group behind this is the legal bullying group Uk Lawyers for Israel. A lobbying group used to legally force people to abide by Israels agenda in the UK. Here is another lawsuit where they forced college sociology professors to pass a student after he said Israel wasn’t responsible for “the crimes of hamas against students”. Here is another lawsuit where they tried to smear a Palestinian NGO with the obvious intent to shut them down. Here is the link to this. There is a legal group in the UK running around trying to bully people into abiding by a pro Israel agenda. They proudly boast of their many actions over the year. The leaders of this organisation and its patrons. In the end there’s no conspiracy, no secret meetings. What we have is a group boldly pushing a genocidal agenda in a foreign country. Please share this where ever you can. Thank you

  • @Darkard
    7411 months ago

    If some children’s drawings are making you feel vulnerable then maybe you need to have a hard think about why that might be?

    • StrikerOP
      3911 months ago

      People like that don’t want to. They have been trained to think that acknowledging a Palestinians existence is a direct attack on there’s. The average Israeli is inundated with propaganda devaluing the lifestyle of Palestinians the moment they entire school. Thankfully, a lot are able to break free and think for themselves.