Robot mistakes man for box of peppers, kills him — Malfunctioning sensor system blamed for technician’s death at Korean food plant::Malfunctioning sensor system blamed for technician’s death at Korean food plant

  • @Cosmicomical
    6 months ago

    Wtf is this fear mongering? I’m totally for luddism but this is something else. Not the first time a machine kills a person, and will not be the last. Put panic stop buttons on any machine that can potentially harm a human, and nowadays you can add a range of sensors that can help identify a living thing from a box of vegetables. This is entirely the fault of designers.

    Btw i refuse to read the article if the post keeps this title and picture.

    • @shalafi
      276 months ago

      “Man Dies in Industrial Accident” is a lame headline. 🙄

    • Pika
      176 months ago

      it had a sensor for it, it malfunctioned, now why it wasn’t turned off while the tech was in there is another story. If they were testing it, they should have been a safe distance away or had it mostly powered off. This is just unsafe work environment.

      • @jagungal
        126 months ago

        My first question when I read the article was why didn’t they lock out/tag out the machine before getting in it?

    • Kushan
      96 months ago

      A thread on a different article about the same thing had someone demanding a change in law to make robots safer and stop this happening again because 48 people were killed by robots in the USA…since 1992.

      Yes, there’s a lot to take in with that. Yes, some people are idiots.