A federal judge upheld Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' "Fairness in Women’s Sports Act," ruling it is not unconstitutional to prevent males from competing in female sports.
Sad that the Conservative sublemmy is full of non-conservatives. I’m reminded of a common liberal mantra: “if you don’t like it, just ignore/avoid it”
Also, not a Nazi, don’t start your stupidity. I don’t want to go on Truth Social or any of the other stupid group circle jerks that ARE full of Nazis etc. I want to discuss conservative values with other NORMAL people who aren’t morally ugly or bankrupt.
While I’m at it, I thought you all should know that you can be conservative and not worship Trump.
I get it, Lemmy seems to attract the extreme left. So when you gang up on someone with a different view, you feel like you won because “we shut that Nazi up”. That’s called mob rule bullying. I thought libs hated bullies…
On topic: sometimes I wonder if people actually, truly believe in 86 genders etc, or if its just a pushback against tradtional, conservative morality.
Yeah, its a sad state of affairs. Ive thought about doing a “conseratives only” tag that you can put on post titles, like /r/conservative does, and it would help. Im just worried if it would be a slippery slope or not.
Ive also thought about a rule against bad faith arguments, but same thing. It would be a slippery slope.
I feel like Im stuck between a rock and a hard place. I’m pro-free-speech, but man if that isn’t tested every time a leftist defends Hamas or thinks transkids is okay or pizzaman posts anything.
Free speech has to apply to both sides. But if you’re the mod, a rule about calling people Nazis should be an automatic ban.
Remember you’re arguing with anonymous crybabies on the internet whose only goal is to make others angry, and claiming superiority based on opinions. Both sides have their extremes, and the reason America can’t ever move forward is there is no longer a spirit of compromise and unity. Its now just whoever screams the most and the loudest.
Yeah, that way nobody will point out how you’re going down the road to fascism.
What a smart idea!
Ban me first. I’ll never stop calling out Nazi shit when I see it. It’d be a point of pride to be the first one kicked off of /c/conservative for pointing out the truth.
I’m sorry, but you’ve been beaten to the punch. Another user was banned a couple times (I’m not sure if permanent at this point), because they could help but calling leftists the r slur.
It’s quite telling that the people conservatives hang around and attract are so willing to use slurs.
But the moment somebody calls out fascism for what it is, then it’s somehow a problem.
Sad that the Conservative sublemmy is full of non-conservatives. I’m reminded of a common liberal mantra: “if you don’t like it, just ignore/avoid it”
Also, not a Nazi, don’t start your stupidity. I don’t want to go on Truth Social or any of the other stupid group circle jerks that ARE full of Nazis etc. I want to discuss conservative values with other NORMAL people who aren’t morally ugly or bankrupt.
While I’m at it, I thought you all should know that you can be conservative and not worship Trump.
I get it, Lemmy seems to attract the extreme left. So when you gang up on someone with a different view, you feel like you won because “we shut that Nazi up”. That’s called mob rule bullying. I thought libs hated bullies…
On topic: sometimes I wonder if people actually, truly believe in 86 genders etc, or if its just a pushback against tradtional, conservative morality.
You’re going to have to try venturing outside of conservative communities if you want to talk to people who aren’t morally bankrupt.
You’ll get over it.
No, but I remembered I can block trolls that just hate everything.
I don’t hate everything.
I do hate fascism though.
Ok, so what does gender specific sports teams have to do with an all-powerful government autocratic dictatorship? Are you calling Biden a dictator?
That’s exactly what I’m saying.
You must have been top of the class, huh?
Yeah, its a sad state of affairs. Ive thought about doing a “conseratives only” tag that you can put on post titles, like /r/conservative does, and it would help. Im just worried if it would be a slippery slope or not.
Ive also thought about a rule against bad faith arguments, but same thing. It would be a slippery slope.
I feel like Im stuck between a rock and a hard place. I’m pro-free-speech, but man if that isn’t tested every time a leftist defends Hamas or thinks transkids is okay or pizzaman posts anything.
You’re pro free speech, yet ban words on a whim.
And you straight up lie.
And you think that policies that will ultimately lead to more suicides are a good thing
Yet somehow I’m the scary guy here.
Free speech has to apply to both sides. But if you’re the mod, a rule about calling people Nazis should be an automatic ban.
Remember you’re arguing with anonymous crybabies on the internet whose only goal is to make others angry, and claiming superiority based on opinions. Both sides have their extremes, and the reason America can’t ever move forward is there is no longer a spirit of compromise and unity. Its now just whoever screams the most and the loudest.
That actually a really good idea, banning the word nazi. It’s not like it has any meaning anymore.
Thanks, I’m going to write up a rule and pin a post!
Yeah, that way nobody will point out how you’re going down the road to fascism.
What a smart idea!
Ban me first. I’ll never stop calling out Nazi shit when I see it. It’d be a point of pride to be the first one kicked off of /c/conservative for pointing out the truth.
I’m sorry, but you’ve been beaten to the punch. Another user was banned a couple times (I’m not sure if permanent at this point), because they could help but calling leftists the r slur.
It’s quite telling that the people conservatives hang around and attract are so willing to use slurs.
But the moment somebody calls out fascism for what it is, then it’s somehow a problem.