• FiveMacs
    11 months ago

    In all reality the books should be enough for people to learn. Teachers don’t actually ‘teach’. They all just regurgitate info.

    • @ClockworkOtter
      2711 months ago

      That might be how you learn, but it certainly isn’t how everyone learns. Also, that’s just a shitty take on teachers.

      • @[email protected]
        11 months ago

        I mean, teachers vary significantly in quality and approach. Straight book readers are rare, but especially at lower levels maybe most of them don’t care about anything besides checking off whatever curriculum is handed down.

        • @ClockworkOtter
          111 months ago

          Hm, we must know very different circles of teachers.

          • @[email protected]
            11 months ago

            We must. I mostly know elementary school teachers at this point, although looking back I see evidence of it all the way through my own K-12 experience. While it’s kind of sad in some ways, I think it’s pretty much necessary.

            Professors are of course a different beast.

      • @[email protected]
        -111 months ago

        Tbf it isn’t entirely wrong with many of the teachers I had. It’s sort of a problem, at least in some areas.

      • FiveMacs
        -311 months ago

        That’s actually not how I learn at all, or at least prefer not too but I’m more than capable of doing x on my own to produce y. Research is a skill that isn’t taught to anyone and they need hand curated material. It’s no wonder we have to cater to the lowest

    • Pyro
      11 months ago

      That just tells us that you had bad teachers. Sorry about that.

      Good teachers will deliver knowledge in an interesting way. Take any good edutainment YouTube channel: Vsauce, CGP Grey, or Kurzgesagt for example. More specific ones are arguably better, like Captain Disillusion for VFX or 3Blue1Brown for Math(s).

      Good teachers will make you excited about learning something. Yes, they regurgitate info, but they should be doing so in an engaging way.

      And I haven’t even mentioned the value you can get from simply asking a question. That’s where I think the true value of a teacher lies. We can all read books or watch YouTube videos, but if we’re not quite there then a simple question answered can often be enough to help us grasp a concept.

    • @FlickOfTheBean
      511 months ago

      …if that’s the case, why do professors exist in this day and age with so many books? Why don’t we have a scholar system in reality if books should be enough for people to learn?

      Like, if you’ve ever had a good teacher before, they’re not JUST regurgitating info, they’re connecting it to the wider context that currently surrounds you, aka your daily lived life (at least in a lot of cases, I’m sure there are many flavors of what makes a teacher better than an info regurgitator, but this is a solid one that I personally know of)

      Teachers, while they may suck or not have the ability to be good for whatever reason, are not supposed to be just information spewing robots.