“With the invention of photography, the pose continued but may have had an additional purpose in preventing blurring by maintaining the sitter’s hand in a single place. The pose is commonly seen in photographs of members of the military, with a number of American Civil War photographs showing the pose, or indicated by three open buttons on a tunic.[6]”
What is the significance of him putting his hand in his shirt like that?
“With the invention of photography, the pose continued but may have had an additional purpose in preventing blurring by maintaining the sitter’s hand in a single place. The pose is commonly seen in photographs of members of the military, with a number of American Civil War photographs showing the pose, or indicated by three open buttons on a tunic.[6]”
To avoid separation anxiety, always keep your hand on your Bitcoin wallet. That way, you don’t have to check every thirty seconds if it’s still there.
Common pose for military men in the 19th century. Not sure if it has a deeper meaning. Napoleon famously did it when he was painted several times.