Conservative parents said they’re looking to exit public schools after an anemic performance by right-leaning candidates in school board elections this week.

  • @[email protected]
    187 months ago

    I’m totally down with conservatives educating their kids poorly so they can’t get into college and are forced to take jobs cleaning my left wing toilet. It’s for the children, remember?

      • @[email protected]
        57 months ago

        You’re right. It is. But that wasn’t my point. Is there a career choice that would better illustrate my point?

              • @[email protected]
                27 months ago

                Give me an insult to use on the parents, but it has to be about how their actions will impact their child.

                I feel like I’m trying to get chat gpt to answer the damn question but it’s trying to be a civil and yet judging me at the same time.

                Gimme what ya got. Make the next reply be the insult I need, not another dodge

                • @littlewonder
                  47 months ago

                  “Once your kids figure out you made their lives extra hard, you’re never going to see them again and you’ll die only kept company by your hatred.”

                  • @[email protected]
                    17 months ago

                    Oh buddy I wish mistreated kids weren’t also usually brainwashed into never leaving. But look at the church. Pretty abusive imo. People eat that shit up.

    • cacheson
      107 months ago

      I dunno, seems kinda bourgeois? Leftist mostly clean their own toilets. They also want to eliminate class stratification, even for those that had conservative parents.

    • @cosmicrookie
      107 months ago

      Very dangerous line of thought there…

            • @cosmicrookie
              7 months ago

              So your logic is, that simply because your thought is not dangerous, then all thoughts aren’t dangerous…

                • @cosmicrookie
                  17 months ago

                  Clearly an action is based on a thought though.

                  “Keep your thoughts to yourself” has nothing to do with what we’re discussing. To me it sounds like you’re drunk and I see no reason to continue this conversation with you at this point

    • @Gamoc
      57 months ago

      Are you kidding? All that would happen if the conservatives kids would be even less competent at the jobs their parents pay their way into. Rich people’s kids don’t need to be good at things. Donald Trump was president.

      • @[email protected]
        37 months ago

        You’re talking about a small group (rich people), not the whole of conservatives. I doubt Karen Cuntington from Jesus, TX is going to help their kid on her minimum wage job.