I love this cake recipe. It’s super simple, you just mix everything together, pour it in a pan, and bake.

  • @Glunkbor
    21 year ago

    Happy Birthday! The cake looks very yummy!

    • MapleEngineerOP
      31 year ago

      It is my favorite kind of cake. I’ve asked my wife to find the recipe and I’ll share it when she does.

      Fun story. My son plays minor hockey in the winter and softball in the summer. Two years ago the goalie on his hockey team said that he wanted to score a goal. I told him that if he did I would bake a cake. That summer he asked if I would bake him a cake if he hit the fence. I told him that I would bake a cake if anyone hit the fence or if anyone scored a home run. We went all the way through the season with no one hitting a home run. In the final tournament of the year my son’s hockey defense partner smacked the ball and made it to second when the other team made a wild pitch that got past the second base player. She ran to third where they made another error. She charged home plate and scored the home run. Good to my word I said I would bake a darned cake. Our next event was a fun game against the other local team. We are red and they are blue. I baked two cakes.



      I didn’t want anyone to feel left out.

      Fast forward to this season and the kids and I were talking about the cake challenges for this year. There were some ideas but we hadn’t settled on the final list, yet.

      As I was sitting watching the practice a couple of parents walked up and sat beside me. The husband said, “Hi, MapleEngineer. Have you decided on the cake challenges for this year?” I laughed and said, “You want cake?” The wife said, “It is really good cake.”

      The challenges for this year are, hit the fence, score a home run, or get a double off a bunt. I’ve told them that if they are dumb enough to try that last one and get in trouble they are not to mention my name to the coach. I’ve also told them that their best bet is a hard bunt toward third base and to home for an error at first.

      So in the second game of the season one of our players smacked the ball and made it around to third where there was an error (they’re 13 to 15 year olds playing in a fun league) and he made it home. As he ran from third to home the parents and players were chanting, “CAKE! CAKE! CAKE!”

      I baked him a damned cake.