If so what kind of training they would have to go through ? By training I mean the spatial and situational awareness, combat skills (this is kinda unrealistic), enough knowledge to turn any situation to their advantage etc.

Just think of the person as your average joe who financially has nothing to spend on high tech gadgets or state of the art training equipment. And doesn’t even have any support from another human being. Basically one has to train from the ground up alone.

Don’t limit the answers to just James Bond and John wick, you can even consider any realistically possible superhero or supervillain (like batman or taskmaster) as well.

So what’s your take ?

  • @TheDarkKnight
    49 months ago

    Batman seems like a potentially plausible reality in the future, factoring in a fuck ton of money AND the Batcomputer, one of the most underrated aspects pf the character. Assuming he’s working with next gen tech on the computer you could plausibly consider that the Batcomputer has some incredible AI capabilities that could give his normal power set to a real world person (to a degree). It could make plans, develop new bat gadgets, research, create work out and training regiments, etc etc. Wouldn’t fit for OP’s question but someone could eventually become somewhat of a Batman in the future with enough drive and money.

    • Obinice
      39 months ago

      I’m not sure I can trust your judgement in this matter, TheDarkKnight.

      • @TheDarkKnight
        29 months ago

        Lmao, yeah…these are the things I spend my days thinking about lol

      • @TheDarkKnight
        19 months ago

        Yep! He’s defeated Darkseid even (I mean technically it was a team effort but Batman executes the Coup De Grace).

        Idk if Batman could deal with a real world Superman in our plausible semi-future scenario, but some aspects pf the character could for sure be emulated I think at a certain technological point of time :-)