I am so so divided on if I should vote for biden or not. I wanna vote third party to at least do something or should I just stay home and protest and advocate where I can? Thoughts?

  • @stewsters
    011 months ago

    Then you are voting for the greater of two genocides, which seems worse tbh.

    • queermunist she/her
      11 months ago

      If Trump was President, Democrats would oppose genocide and support a ceasefire. I’m almost certain of it.

      So! I’m voting for a split government. Democrats in control of the legislature will keep Trump from being able to really do anything.

      • @stewsters
        11 months ago

        And just how is that legislature going to stop him. Couldnt do it when he was blocking weapons from going to Ukraine, won’t be able to now.

        • queermunist she/her
          -611 months ago

          The legislature can stop him from giving weapons to Israel, so that’s at least one genocide they would stop if Trump was president.

      • Solar Bear
        211 months ago

        No they wouldn’t. They would happily work with Republicans to fund Israel. I have no idea where you got it in your head that Democrats have any sort of tendency towards contrarianism; they trip over their own feet rushing to work with the Republicans on anything they can to prove they’re “moderate” and “non-partisan”.

        • queermunist she/her
          -611 months ago

          Not “Republicans” - this is about Trump specifically. They’re willing to be partisan when it comes to orange man bad.

          • Solar Bear
            11 months ago

            This is just completely ahistorical. Democrats repeatedly worked with Trump throughout his presidency. Pelosi and Schumer met with him constantly to try and broker deals. They literally bragged constantly about “crossing the aisle”, how they were “moderates”. Dems love posturing as the mature adults in the room.

            In some instances, it was legitimate to work together. They supported his administration’s 2019 infrastructure plan. Trump worked with Dems instead of the GOP to get hurricane relief. Some good spending packages were passed by him working with Dems when the GOP was too disorganized.

            In other cases, they should have obstructed harder but didn’t. They fast tracked many of his federal judge appointments. Some voted for his supreme court picks. They didn’t obstruct his tax cuts enough.

            The idea that Democrats were impetulently obstinate with Trump for no reason is a far-right talking point, it has no basis in reality, so I’m not sure why I’m seeing supposed leftists repeating such misinfo. They weren’t obstinate enough with Trump, especially when it mattered; that’s part of the problem with Democrats! They’re far too conciliatory to the right-wing! That’s why we hate them, remember?

            • queermunist she/her
              -611 months ago

              I distinctly remember Democrats opposing Trump on moving the embassy to Jerusalem. They never fought him as much as they should, but they did fight him. Let’s not forget this is also what lead to the rise of the DSA and the largest protest movement in American history. Trump highlights the contradictions and helps libs see who their friends and enemies really are.

              • Solar Bear
                11 months ago

                I distinctly remember Democrats opposing Trump on moving the embassy to Jerusalem. They never fought him as much as they should, but they did fight him.

                Exactly, so we can’t rely on Democrats to effectively contain Trump as you suggested we might. They are not strong or reliable enough. They capitulate far too easily.

                Let’s not forget this is also what lead to the rise of the DSA and the largest protest movement in American history.

                What really led to the DSA growing so much was Bernie Sanders radicalizing millions with his 2016 run. Then, the squad capitalized on that energy in 2018 and onwards, leading to many DSA members being elected nationwide, which then further grew the organization through the attention they bring.

                I know it’s not considered “cool” amongst leftists to admit electoralism can ever lead to positive outcomes, but them’s the breaks. None of this would have happened if not for them.

                • queermunist she/her
                  -711 months ago

                  Exactly, so we can’t rely on Democrats to effectively contain Trump as you suggested we might. They are not strong or reliable enough. They capitulate far too easily.

                  They also didn’t have a majority. Based on every election since the end of abortion rights? They’re going to take the House and hold the Senate, and probably take control of several states.

                  I know it’s not considered “cool” amongst leftists to admit electoralism can ever lead to positive outcomes, but them’s the breaks. None of this would have happened if not for them.

                  That’s why I’m voting down ticket. I’m just not voting for Biden.