That’s patently false. Ever since Apple introduced their own silicon (A4 released in 2010), they’ve generally had the best performance of any ARM chip. It’s not that the competition is bad, it’s just Apple has historically been excellent at recruiting top engineers and executing their products. For example, in the Intel-era, there were multiple years publications said the best Windows laptop was a Mac.
That’s patently false. Ever since Apple introduced their own silicon (A4 released in 2010), they’ve generally had the best performance of any ARM chip. It’s not that the competition is bad, it’s just Apple has historically been excellent at recruiting top engineers and executing their products. For example, in the Intel-era, there were multiple years publications said the best Windows laptop was a Mac.
Patiently false? LMAO. I said a decade offhand but to be more exact it’s thirteen years. Thank you, Captain Pedant. 🙄
No, to be more exact, it’s 14 years (you have to go back one more year).