Hello guys,

I’m thinking about adding a triple monitor to my setup but I’m not sure if I must select VA monitors or IPS monitors.

I know the differences about both and I think the most important is the vision angle so only for that I think the best option is IPS but I would like to have your opinion.


  • @4lch3my
    28 months ago

    I dont know how VA would work as the left and right monitor but I have a single curved VA as my primary and two IPS as my left and right and outside of color matching its not too shabby. I like it. I’m soon going to be replacing the IPS monitors so I have three identical screens. I have tested the viewing angles and I dont believe Ill have any issues.

    • XhenonOP
      18 months ago

      This is exactly my fear, not good view in lateral monitors. The frontal one will be good but not sure about laterals