• @grue
    11 months ago

    Bullshit. Objective reality exists, and Biden isn’t a fascist. You are not entitled to make shit up.

    More to the point, you are not entitled to spread fascist propaganda (your concern trolling is obviously designed to help Trump). You are anti-American scum and you are not welcome here, or anywhere.

    • Melkath
      -1311 months ago

      Biden has adopted key plays from the fascist handbook and you are not allowed to ignore that.

      How many times do I need to clarify?

      My vote goes to neither, and I won’t allow you to take my truth from me to say I support someone I don’t.

      The 2 party system is critically failing all of us, and I am done supporting it. EITHER SIDE.

      I put my stat into the “fuck man, I’m disenfranchised” bucket.

      Stop being like a fascist and misrepresenting my truth in the light of your owner.

      • @TheMorningStar
        911 months ago

        Biden has adopted key plays from the fascist handbook

        This is pure bullshit.

        How about you ignoring Trump and co openly proclaiming that they want to do away with democracy and actually taking concrete steps to do so? Do you think that’s a better alternative or do you just want to sit on your hands and say “oh well”

      • Flying Squid
        711 months ago

        Biden has adopted key plays from the fascist handbook and you are not allowed to ignore that.

        I can’t help but notice you didn’t actually list any.

      • @grue
        11 months ago

        If you don’t vote against fascism, you’re a motherfucking fascist. End of.

        When Trump’s jackbooted thugs drag you off to the camps, I hope you finally realize what a dipshit you’ve been before the end.