2020 was… truly unique. It was so hard to stay away from doom scrolling, and I (and many others) were pretty disillusioned by the sad fact that so much of our country legitimately supported the Orange Man. I didn’t get a wink of sleep the night of the election because I genuinely considered it to be a make or break decision for America.
My point is that looking back on it, in the end the only real difference I made was at the ballet box. This year I’m going for the Head-in-the-Sand approach. I’m done with the political memes. Done with the Twitter screenshots. It just riles me up and this year I’m gonna do my best to fight that.
RCV can be implemented from the bottom up as well, it doesn’t need to be top-down in the form of a constitutional amendment. Where it gets implemented it immediately flips the incentives from candidates working against each other to candidates working with each other. In SF, rival candidates started campaigning together.
Then, we could stop voting against the greater evil and start voting for the kinds of candidates we want without consequence, because candidate viability doesn’t matter if your vote transfers to your next favorite when they are disqualified. That’s what you seem to want. You could vote Rashida Talib and anyone else and as long as you ranked Biden as a choice above Trump, you wouldn’t be in this dilemma.
I think you would be well served by playing the game even if it’s a game you don’t like. That’s the only way to change the rules. Popular vote is the only check the public has against the power of profit motives.
Thanks for your mature, nuanced reply. I’m dug in where I am but it’s a start, I guess.