• @Jomega
    8611 months ago

    “Libertarian party endorses man who fought to install authoritarian dictatorship.”

    Whatever happened to the whole “Don’t tread on me” slogan? Oh right. I forgot it was all bullshit.

    • @kautau
      2211 months ago

      “We want a small government! And by small we mean a permanent fascist dictator with all the power and no accountability!”

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      Yep. “Libertarian” is just a mask-on way of saying “I want all regulations removed so I can fully indulge my psycopathic thirst for greater and greater wealth” because if they were honest, even the most gullible middle-class voters would be escorting them to the guillotine.

      I can guarantee that sleazy neoliberal circles have done the maths on the most profitable political system to back and the results were almost certainly…

      1. Fascism (because slaves)
      2. Libertarianism (because using child workers to dump toxic waste in public waterways counts as “freedom”)
      3. Conservative neoliberalism (because you can mostly get what you want by donating bribes and don’t need to worry about morality)
      4. “Left-wing” neoliberalism (mostly the same as above but you have to be slightly less greedy and look sad doing it)
      5. Progressivism (because they’d have to pay for taxes, workers and the environmental cost of their products)
      • @Eldritch
        111 months ago

        Unfortunately that’s ironically correct. Neo-libertarians funded and propped up by stolen capitalist trust funds. Have effectively stolen the term from the group it actually represents.

        I would never refer to myself as just ”libertarian" for instance. Despite aligning pretty closely with the actual ideology. I tend to prefix it as left libertarian. Or if there’s a right wing dumbass present, true libertarian. Because they truly are all posers. And it’s fun to see their faces contorted.

        If you support the libertarian party, you ain’t really a libertarian. That’s like a vegan eating steak for dinner every night. If you spend all your time whining about the government imposing on your “freedoms”. But can’t even offer feint criticism of the ultra wealthy and the much more devastating effect they have on society. You’re not really a libertarian. But sadly for most people, that’s who they associate most with being libertarian.

    • @[email protected]
      1211 months ago

      Wage labor is already very totalitarian in principle - they determine what you wear, what you do, when you eat, when you go to the bathroom, basically it’s a private government of their own, and people are selling themselves into the servitude.

      Libertarianism seeks to go even further with that by removing regulations and letting free market do its thing, which, considering the first sentence of this comment, would make Libertarianism authoritarian if you’re not a business owner or someone rich, and the “Don’t tread on me” slogan only applies to those people.