• @MuhammadJesusGaySex
    7811 months ago

    I have looked at gore and just the most horrible things mankind has to offer since I was a kid. I’ve watched taliban executions. I’ve watched cartel videos and yes I’ve seen funky town.

    Nothing, and I mean nothing fills me with rage like having to remember that I saw a video of George Floyd die while begging for his god damn mother. Even as I’m typing this I’m so angry that I am literally in tears. That racist piece of shit doesn’t even know that prison is the safest place for him.

    I’m not a believer in the death penalty, because there is too much room for error. But I saw what that man did. There’s no mistake that he murdered a man in cold blood because he had to show everyone that he was in charge. If ever a man should have received the death penalty it’s Derek Chauvin.

    • Alien Nathan Edward
      11 months ago

      because he had to show everyone that he was in charge

      That’s exactly it. Darnella Frazier challenged him, simply by being there with a camera. The implication of the camera was “what you’re doing is wrong, and I intend to expose you”. Chauvin responded to that challenge. His actions essentially said “I decide what’s right and what’s wrong. I’m going to kill this man in front of you, to show you that I can. I’m going to get away with it. If you try to stop me, I’ll kill you too.”

      That’s why he stayed on Floyd’s neck for two whole minutes after Floyd went limp. It was about showing everyone that he is in charge, that people die when they don’t do what he wants. George Floyd was Chauvin’s 4th murder, he had every reason to believe he’d get away with this one too and before we all saw the video he went straight to the playbook that helped him get away with the other three. Without Frazier’s video, Floyd would have been exactly what Chauvin said he was: a counterfeiter who died of an overdose while in custody. Before Floyd, Chauvin had pistol whipped a domestic violence suspect and then claimed that suspect reached for his gun, had shot another suspect after witnesses said that suspect had dropped his gun and put his hands in the air, and beat an unarmed 14 year old boy across the back of the head with a mag lite so badly that boy required stitches. He liked to make money off duty acting as a bouncer and the club owners that hired him said he did things like pepper spray the entire crowd in response to a fight breaking out.

      Derek Chauvin is a monster who only knows violence. If he ever gets out of prison, he will kill again. Killing is what he does.

    • @cuntonabike
      11 months ago

      That racist piece of shit

      Everyone says this word, and yet there is and never has been, including during the man’s court case offered by prosecution, any evidence that alleged or even suggested that the killing of George Floyd was anything to do with racism.

      Don’t mistake this for me trying to defend the innocence of this man, just making an observation. Everyone is so quick to jump on the racism bandwagon.

      • @MuhammadJesusGaySex
        511 months ago

        Nah, I get what you’re saying. Honestly, having come from a family that had multiple racist cops in it, and seeing first hand how black people are treated differently in the judicial system. I just assume that all cops are racist. Really that is an unfair assumption. Though I personally think it’s correct more often than not. We still shouldn’t accuse people of things without proof.

        • @rockSlayer
          211 months ago

          there are always exceptions to rules-of-thumb, but it’s usually more accurate than not.

    • @[email protected]
      -111 months ago

      The death penalty is too kind for people. Anyone who you think deserves death should get solitary confinement. Make them just sit there and think about what they did for years.

      It’s a fate worse than death for many

    • @Woht24
      -511 months ago

      He’s a racist piece of shit but I don’t think you can say he literally tried to kill George Floyd. He’s on the street in broad day light with many people obviously filming him. He’s stupid, he has little to no reasoning skills and he did what he was taught with no thought to consequences, time, health and safety of his POI etc.

      Anyway, my point is that I find it strange you rate a video of a man s kneeling on another man worse than evil straight up murders for the point of it.

      Derek Chauvin deserves the death penalty more than anyone? That’s fucking retarded. You are so blinded by emotion you have lost touch with reality.

      • @MuhammadJesusGaySex
        711 months ago

        I wouldn’t exactly call anger tears “crying”. Crying suggests a steady flow of tears where as anger tears are usually just a handful at most.

        But yes I literally had a couple of tears thinking about it. In my experience I have both experienced firsthand and seen unimaginable suffering. The English language lacks the proper words to describe how awful this suffering is. I could explain it to you and you still wouldn’t understand just how bad it is.

        But I’ve only ever heard a grown ass man call out for his mother twice. Once with George Floyd, and once with Tyre Nichols. I know pain, and I know suffering, but just like if I tried to explain the suffering I know to you. You would be unable to truly comprehend it. I can’t comprehend the pain and suffering that those 2 men endured.

        I don’t care what you did. No human deserves to die at the hands of another human while calling out for their mother.

        Just to be clear. I’m not a great nice person. I have injected a pregnant woman with heroin because she was too dope sick to do it herself, and way worse. I have led a pretty abhorrent life.

        But even amongst monsters some crimes are inexcusable.

        • @feedum_sneedson
          211 months ago

          You ain’t special. Abbatoir footage gets me pretty good.

          • @MuhammadJesusGaySex
            211 months ago

            I’m not a vegetarian, and I know that what I’m about to say is kind of hypocritical. But, there has to be a better way in regards to livestock for meat. The way they are treated is awful.

            Also, I was totally prepared for that to go the other way. Hehehehe

            • 520
              511 months ago

              Lab grown meat sounds like a good solution to the problem

              • @MuhammadJesusGaySex
                311 months ago

                Hey, as long as it tastes good, and is affordable. I’m all for it.

              • @MuhammadJesusGaySex
                111 months ago

                I mean I’m not against it, but that whole law thing gets in the way. However, if the end of the world comes you better believe I’m eating someone.

    • @iamtherealwalrus
      11 months ago

      You either are in favor of death penalty or you are not. There is no “but in this case I support it”.

      Wow. Lemmy is in favor of double standards today. Death penalty for the people I think deserve it, but not for those whom I don’t think deserve it?

      • @theangryseal
        11 months ago

        They clearly explained that their reason for opposing the death penalty in the first place is the chance of error.

        I oppose the death penalty for the same reason. I have no problem executing serial killers for example. I do have a problem with accidentally executing innocent people.

        I’d be willing to say that I’m for the death penalty in the case of a serial killer as long as circumstantial evidence isn’t the determining factor. I’d like to see irrefutable evidence before they are sentenced.

        In freak cases that require absurd circumstances, I would never support the death penalty. Someone shoots the man he catches his wife with? Yeah, no. Jail is good enough. That dude isn’t just an outright danger to society. He’s just a dude who lost his shit in a moment and would have carried on living his normal life under different circumstances.

        Dude spends 10 years stalking and murdering his dates and flushing them down the toilet in pieces? Yeah, the world is better off putting him on down to sleep forever.

        • 520
          211 months ago

          Remember that murders have been pinned on innocents for a long time. With your logic, we would have condemned Barry George to death for the murder of Jill Dando, despite it turning out he was innocent.

          • @theangryseal
            111 months ago

            Oh I get that, and that’s why I said irrefutable evidence. I referred a little bit to a man who actually did kill his dates and flush them down the toilet. Look up Dennis Nilsen. That’s the kind of case I’m talking about.

            It’s hard to pin that kind of shit on anyone.

            I’ll research the guy you’re talking about, but I’m willing to bet he wasn’t accused of being a serial killer.

            That’s the type of person I’m ok executing. Serial killers. People who wander around without empathy slaughtering people for no reason other than the thrill of slaughtering people.